2D animated jump exercise! :)

This is a introduction to 2d animation, it was my very own emotional sack! disco fever son!

This is a gangster pan done on 16 field paper!

 Here's some Layouts i have done throught last year :) the are done with graphite pencil and on 12  field size paper. This first piece is a one perspective on some selected objects.

This next piece is based on two point perspective and graphite pencil. 



I always had interest in buildings and architecture! so here's a quick concept i did.


So here's a piece i recently did for my Visual Language class, It represented a small hospital in Busan Korea which was previously a school occupied then by the army in order to tend to the wounded.  I had a very strong interest in the Korean Culture and its roots, so that leaded me to create this four pieces to represent a mopr that the school went through,  This is my first time using photoshop :) so go easy on me.

Here is a layout pan i did for our rendered layout! It took some time but finally got there.

Having a Female model concluded in softer and rounder lines, Graphite stick.

These are some fast gestural paintings done in 20 minutes :) 


So without further due, here is some of my gestural drawings :) these are mainly done with charchoal, graphite and oil pastels :)